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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Resident Evil

So chuckles & I decided to go see resident evil last night. I have been waiting for this to come out for some time. If you know me then you know I love zombies & I love any movie that has a chick that kicks butt so I totally loved this movie. Can I just say how entertaining it is to go see a movie that is about a video game. It's like all the gamers come out of the woodwork or their mom's basement & haven't seen daylight in a couple year. It's so fun to watch. Anywho go see resident evil, if you liked the others you will like this one. I interested in seeing 30 days of nights now & Hitman from the previews.

In crafty news I haven't been doing much because I have been reading a lot lately but I did make a pair of wrist warmers & listed them on etsy. if they don't sell I'm going to keep them for myself they are uber warm.

I will write up some book reviews in the next week or so. I have been reading basically a book a day. The first 3 books in Lora Leighs Breed series & almost the whole dark hunter series by Kenyon

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